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How to Increase Airflow in Your Home

Autumn is knocking at the door and with it comes the winds of fall. You don’t want to miss out on all that breeze after such a hot summer. Improving airflow in your home not only enhances comfort but also promotes better air quality. Whether you want to reduce stuffiness or maintain a more energy-efficient space, increasing airflow can make a significant difference. Here are some simple ways to boost airflow throughout your home:

1. Open Windows and Doors

So this may seem obvious but one of the easiest ways to improve airflow is by opening windows and doors. We know you’re trying to keep dust out but cross-ventilation, where air enters through one window and exits through another, helps create a natural breeze. For best results, open windows on opposite sides of your home to promote steady air circulation.

2. Use Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans help circulate air in rooms, making them feel cooler and more comfortable. Set your fans to rotate counterclockwise during warm months to push cool air down, and clockwise in winter to distribute warm air more evenly.

3. Install Ventilation Systems

Consider installing or improving ventilation systems such as exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove stale air and bring in fresh air. Attic ventilation can also help release hot air trapped inside, making the entire house cooler.

4. Replace Air Filters

Dirty air filters in your HVAC system can restrict airflow. Regularly replace your filters (typically every 1-3 months) to keep air flowing smoothly through your home and improve air quality.

5. Clear Obstructions

Ensure that furniture, curtains, and other items are not blocking air vents or registers. Keeping them clear allows for proper airflow throughout your home.

Since you breezed past these simple steps we just want to recap them for you. Be sure to open opposite windows, use ceiling fans, install ventilation systems, clear obstructions and change air filters. By implementing these simple steps, you can increase airflow, improve indoor air quality, and create a more comfortable living environment year-round.

By KCI Homes Staff 9-20-2024


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