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Dangerous DIYs

There is a lot of freedom that comes along with being a homeowner. Freedom to listen to movies at loud columns, freedom to paint and remodel to fit your changing style, and even the freedom to make needed repairs on your own. It can be freeing to DIY projects around your home, and it can save you a lot in the way of labor costs as well. And while most DIYs are perfectly doable for the average homeowner, there are some that can be quite dangerous.

There are several projects that can be extremely dangerous to attempt as DIY projects at home, especially if you lack the proper knowledge, skills, and safety equipment. Here are some of the most dangerous ones.

Electrical Work

Working with electrical wiring, circuits, and appliances without proper knowledge can lead to electrical shocks, fires, and even fatalities. Not to mention that you may not know how to do electrical work according to current codes and standards. This can make it difficult for future electricians to work on your home as well.

Structural Modifications

Altering load-bearing walls or making significant structural changes to your home without understanding structural engineering principles can lead to collapses and other structural failures. Removing walls and opening up spaces should be done with careful planning and with working alongside an experienced contractor.

Roof Repairs

Fixing a shingle or two can seem like an easy DIY, but the truth is that roofing accidents pose a major threat for injury. Climbing onto roofs without proper safety equipment and training can and have led to falls, injuries, and even death.

Plumbing Repairs

Small plumbing repairs can be straightforward enough, but major repairs should really be left to the professionals. Incorrect plumbing repairs can lead to water leaks, flooding, and water damage to your home's structure and belongings. Definitely an avoidable nightmare.

HVAC Repairs

And the last most notable DIY you should avoid are HVAC repairs. Incorrect repairs to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems can lead to carbon monoxide leaks, electrical hazards, and poor air quality.

In general, if a project involves areas outside your expertise, requires specialized knowledge, or involves potential safety hazards, it's best to leave it to trained professionals. Always prioritize safety, and if you're unsure about the risks and complexities of a DIY project, seek advice or hire a qualified expert.

If you are dreaming of becoming a homeowner or upgrading your home, KCI would be happy to help. Take a look at our available homes or give us a call to discuss how we can build your dream custom home.

By KCI Homes 8-30-2023


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